Add New Coworkers

  • Author: Anna Natsvlishvili / Date: 5th February, 2017

How-To Add New Coworkers

(Description + Video)

From the main menu select Settings and then, in submenu, select Co-workers Panel

Note: Only administrator users can see that option

To add a new co-worker choose the  symbol, at the right corner of the screen

The follow screen will appear

Type the user’s First Name, Last Name and Email (the username of user).

Also you can provide optional contact information for this person, such as work phone, mobile phone and job title.

To create the user choose the   symbol at the right corner of the screen.

The user will get an email from Pobuca Team. The email will contain a link that will lead the user on “complete registration” screen to set his password and login to application.

Note: If you uncheck the “Send invitation email”, the user will not get an email to complete registration. The account of user will be created and will be appear in co-worker list.