Create New Contact
How-To Create New Contact
(Description + Video)
To add new contact into your shared contact list follow the below steps:
From main menu select “Contacts”
At the right corner of the screen choose the symbol
The follow screen will appear
Fill in the blanks of the Add New Contact form
Note: Only the Last Name field is obligatory.
From the Organization field you can link the new contact with an organization which already exists or you can leave it blank and set the contact as orphan.
To add a new phone choose the symbol and then select the type of phone that you want to enter. For example, select the: Work Phone
A new field with the type of phone as label, will appear in your screen.
Repeat the previous step to add the contact details that you want (phones, emails, addresses, etc.).
Finally, to create the contact choose the at the at the right corner of the screen.
Tip: when you create a contact through application, that contact automatically characterized as favorite. You can have access on your favorite contacts by clicking filtered by: Favorites in contact list.